Oh..so I’m gross now too?

So yeah..just who the fuck do you think you are Thesaurus.com.? You house all the words one could ever dream of and you come up with “gross” as an alternative to “chubby”?? Now, before you argue with me on this term, look what my good friend Google showed me here. I move to strike this word (no seriously click that link), desecrate it from any idea of someone with “extra padding”.

Is it not enough that as I sit here right now, I’m listening to my co-workers get on the “lets diet” together bandwagon because clearly, in the rural south being fat is on the same level as say..horribly disfigured in a house fire..

I dunno, I’m OK with me, until someone tries to make me not OK with who I am. My name is Erica, and I am overweight. I am NOT gross. (unless its like day three of “hair rest” day then yeah that’s another blog) I do not ride around wal*mart on the handicapped cart, I’m actually pretty active and I hate ranch dressing. I know please dont kick me out the Better Big Girls Society because all fat people like ranch dressing..right? Right.